FeltLOOM® Lexi
The Original Tabletop Needle Felting Machine
The Lexi™ is made in a size that fits the artist in all of us. Artists and Crafters love the Lexi™. It is easy to adjust the fiber pattern on your creations with the fingertip controls on the sleek 36” tabletop design.It’s ease of use and the amazing quality of felted fabric it produces put the creator in control.
- 36″ tabletop design
- Single motor that controls both needle and roller speed
- Feeder guide ramp
- Forward/reverse switch to allow feeding in both directions
- Feeder guide ramp
Quality Guaranteed

Patented design engineered and manufactured in the United States

Made from industrial steel and aircraft-grade aluminum.

Consistent, knowledgable, and friendly customer support.

Each machine is assembled by hand with precision detail.

Swan + Stone Millery
Swan + Stone Millinery began four years ago as a collaboration of 6 sheep and two artisans, making hats on a Brandon, VT farm.
Sam Stone, farmer and felter, makes felts using farm-raised wool and other natural fibers.